I\'m trying to make a route to a specific static file but everything I\'m trying ends with an error.
I\'ve made 3 different attempts:
GET /fil
I have the exact same issue. I followed the advice from @Jamil and managed to get this working for the static file (in my case a favicon) and managed to get the templates to compile but get a new error at runtime when trying to use the view. Relevant code below,
Change to the route (this route now resolves correctly)
GET /favicon.ico controllers.Assets.at(path="/public/images", file="favicon.png")
Change to the view (compiles)
New error (only at runtime)
[MatchError: (stylesheets/,main.css) (of class scala.Tuple2)]
// @LINE:29
// @LINE:28
def at(path:String, file:String) = {
(path, file) match {
// @LINE:28
case (path, file) if path == "/public" => Call("GET", "/assets/" + implicitly[PathBindable[String]].unbind("file", file))
I know this isnt an answer but perhaps it will allow someone to pipe up with one.