I\'m trying to figure out a hotkey at work. I just got this job and I am using a Mac for more or less the first time in my life.
Back home on my Laptop, when using Eclip
You can also use a ready-made sublime package built for this purpose: AppendSemiColon
You can use package control to install it, just search for "AppendSemiColon".
Place a semicolon at the end of the cursor's current line(s) by pressing:
Command+; on OS X
Ctrl+; on Windows and Linux
You can also automatically go to the next line at the same time like this:
Command+Shift+; on OS X
Ctrl+Shift+; on Windows and Linux
I've been using this package for a while now, and it works great.
UPDATE: As the author mentioned in a comment, you can now also change the default hotkeys if you like (personally, I love the defaults). As an example, just change:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+;"], "command": "append_semi_colon" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+;"], "command": "append_semi_colon", "args": {"enter_new_line": "true"} }
in your sublime-keymap to use whatever keys you want.
I tested the latest version, and this feature too works fine. There was a bug where extra semicolons were being appended incorrectly upon extra hotkey presses - this minor annoyance has been fixed too. Thanks, MauriceZ/mzee99!