I\'ve installed a RapidSSL certificate, with intermediate certificate, on the site address removed, using DirectAdmin. The RapidSSL installation checker reports a succe
It seems, that the (new) GeoTrust Root CA is not installed on various mobile devices: http://support.servertastic.com/rapidssl-and-geotrust-certificate-not-trusted-on-mobile-device/
You can cross-reference that CA to other known Root-CAs. I added the Cross-Root CA Cert to the ca-bundle/intermediate Cert. After that it worked on Android:
Copy Geotrust Cross Root CA Certificate: https://knowledge.geotrust.com/support/knowledge-base/index?page=content&id=AR1426&actp=search&viewlocale=en_US&searchid=1283360269668
Add that Cross Root CA Cert to the RapidSSL and Geotrust CA bundle file: https://knowledge.rapidssl.com/library/VERISIGN/ALL_OTHER/RapidSSL%20Intermediate/RapidSSL_CA_bundle.pem
Then install this new bundle file as intermediate.pem or ca-bundle.crt on your Server.