I am using PhpStorm 7.1.2 with IdeaVim plugin.
When in Insert mode, I want to select words using Shift + ArrowKey
. However, this IdeaVim plugin seems to be
If you have a binding to enable / disable IdeaVIM, you can get shift-arrow selection by temporarily disabling IdeaVIM, then using shift-arrow selection, then re-enabling IdeaVIM.
The action in the Keymap dialog is called "Vim Emulator", and in the "Default" keymap it is bound to ⌃⌥V; in "Mac OS X 10.5+" keymap it is bound to ⌥⌘V.
You can look up shortcuts for your keymap either in the Preferences => Keymap dialog, or with the Help => Find Action... menu.
(Note: ⌥ is also called "option" or "alt"; ⌘ is the "command" key on a Mac.)