How to properly link a user to reviews page at App Store app in React Native application on iOS?
This is something similar, it shows an alert box to update the app and it opens the play store or the app store depending on their device os.
function updateAppNotice(){
const APP_STORE_LINK = 'itms://';
const PLAY_STORE_LINK = 'market://details?id=myandroidappid';
'Update Available',
'This version of the app is outdated. Please update app from the '+(Platform.OS =='ios' ? 'app store' : 'play store')+'.',
{text: 'Update Now', onPress: () => {
if(Platform.OS =='ios'){
Linking.openURL(APP_STORE_LINK).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));
Linking.openURL(PLAY_STORE_LINK).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));