I prefer to write solid shell code, so the errexit & nounset is alway set.
The following code will stop at bad_command line
Just trying to complete the following answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32201766/2609399 , which is a very good catch, BTW.
I've faced this limitation a time ago and applied a similar fix for it. Please consider the below code sample.
invokeBashFunction() {
local functionExitCode="0"
/bin/bash -c "
set -o errexit
" || functionExitCode="${?}"
# add some additional processing logic/code
return "${functionExitCode}"
export -f invokeBashFunction
And there are few example of how to use it:
invokeBashFunction bad_function param1 "param 2" param3 && echo "It passed." || echo "It failed!"
if invokeBashFunction bad_function param1 "param 2" param3
echo "It passed."
if ! invokeBashFunction bad_function param1 "param 2" param3
echo "It failed!"