Lobster (http://strlen.com/lobster/) is a statically typed programming language with Python-esque syntax.
It has a few things you're asking for:
- Type inference, so your code can look similar to Python without having to specify types everywhere. In fact, it goes further with type inference than languages like Haskell.
- Closures: they are syntactically lighter than Python (create your own control structures) and yet more powerful (may be multi-line, you can return from them to enclosing functions).
- Multiple return values.
It doesn't do so well on these items:
- Syntax for dictionaries or array comprehensions. Though its syntax for map/filter is so minimal that it can probably compete with array comprehensions.
- Keyworded arguments currently only for constructors.
- Runtime modification of classes: nope.. its a pretty static language.
- Reflection: also nope, though this would certainly be possible.