I have an app in which the user has to type a four digit pin code. All digits have to be at a set distance from each other.
Is there a way to do this if the PinTex
No need to go for attributedText, which to be honest, was a mess implementing with modified spacing. As soon as I closed the keyboard the spacing disappeared, which prompted me to dig further.
Every UITextField has a property called defaultTextAttributes, which according to Apple "returns a dictionary of text attributes with default values.". The Apple document also says that "this property applies the specified attributes to the entire text of the text field"
Just find a suitable place in your code, usually where the textfield is being initialized and then copy and paste the following.
Answered in Swift 3.0
textfield.defaultTextAttributes.updateValue(spacing, forKey: NSKernAttributeName)
where spacing is of CGFloat type. For example 2.0
This works for different fonts as well.
The latest syntax seems to be:
forKey: NSAttributedString.Key.kern)