Conceptually, I really like JWT as it is in line with the statelessness of REST etc (no state saved server-side, all relevant data is contained in the token).
What I am
In addition to @Jesus answer, you can think about implementing a refresh token system:
In the hotel-example, your hotel-card (access-token) would be invalid after time X, but at the reception you can use your passport (refresh-token) to get a new hotel card again.
You could store the refresh token in the database with additional data about the device the user is using, allowing him to disable the device in case it gets stolen.
for the next request, the client sends the access token
Now Check if the access token is expired:
5.1 Access Token not expired, all okay
5.2 Access Token expired, check if there is a refresh token in database
5.2.1 Refresh Token is in database, return new Access Token
5.2.2 No Refresh Token in database, return 401 / logout, User has to login again
Hope this helps.