Is it a bad idea to use DropBox as a backup system for Subversion repositories?
Has anyone tried using Subversion with an an online file sharing utility like DropBox? Wh
You can simply exclude the .svn-Folder from Dropbox: (instructions for Mac)
You need to see the .svn-Folder, so go into Terminal and execute
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder
Go to your Folder an Copy the .svn-Folder somewhere else
Go to your Dropbox-Preferences > Advanced > Selective Sync and deactivate to .svn-Folder
The Folder should now be deleted from your HD and Dropbox, you can check that on the website.
Put your copy of the .svn-Folder back into the directory. You should see a little gray sign like (-)
Revert step 1 with
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
killall Finder
That's it!