I have 5000, sometimes more, street address strings in an array. I\'d like to compare them all with levenshtein to find similar matches. How can I do this without looping throug
If you want to find all similar values, you will have to compare all items to all others. But choosing the right array functions will speed things up significantly. Here is a quick example (the results array could have been better):
$results = array();
$count = count($entries);
while ($count != 0) {
# The entry to process
$entry = array_shift($entries);
# Get levenshtein distances to all others
$result = array_map(
# array_map() needs two arrays, this one is an array consisting of
# multiple entries of the value that we are processing
array_fill($entry, 0, $count),
$results[] = array($entry => $result);