Can someone tell me if there is any jquery plugin to dynamically create .ics file with values coming from the page div values like there would be
This approach worked fine however with IE8 the browser couldn't recognize the file type and refused to open as a calendar item. To get around this i had to create the code on the server side (and exposed via RESTful service) and then set the response headers as follows;
@Produces({ "text/v-calendar" })
public Response generateCalendar(
@QueryParam("alias") final String argAlias,
@QueryParam("start") final String argStart,
@QueryParam("end") final String argEnd) {
ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok();
builder.header("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=calendar.ics");
builder.entity("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n<........insert meeting details here......>:VCALENDAR");
This can be served up by calling window.location on the service URL and works on Chrome, Firefox and IE8.
Hope this helps.