How can I write an algorithm to check if the sum of any two numbers in an array/list matches a given number
with a complexity of nlogn
This one is O(n)
public static bool doesTargetExistsInList(int Target, int[] inputArray)
if (inputArray != null && inputArray.Length > 0 )
Hashtable inputHashTable = new Hashtable();
// This hash table will have all the items in the input array and how many times they appeard
Hashtable duplicateItems = new Hashtable();
foreach (int i in inputArray)
if (!inputHashTable.ContainsKey(i))
inputHashTable.Add(i, Target - i);
duplicateItems.Add(i, 1);
duplicateItems[i] = (int)duplicateItems[i] + 1;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in inputHashTable)
if ((int)de.Key == (int)de.Value)
if ((int)duplicateItems[de.Key] > 1)
return true;
else if (inputHashTable.ContainsKey(de.Value))
return true;
return false;