I already created a scafold using
rails generate scaffold myOdb2 columna:integer, columnB:string
now I want to add columnc:string
If you've just generated it and realized your mistake you can use:
rails destroy scaffold myOdb2
and then re-generate the scaffolding:
rails generate scaffold myOdb2 columna:integer, columnB:string, columnc:string
If you've made some changes to the scaffold-created model that you want to keep but you don't mind destroying the controller and views:
rails destroy scaffold_controller myOdb2
then create a migration to add the column:
rails generate migration add_columnc_to_myodb2s columnc:string
then re-generate the controller and views:
rails generate scaffold_controller myOdb2 columna:integer, columnB:string, columnc:string
If you've made changes to the controller or views, you'll need to just run the migration to update the database and model, then manually add the new column to each of your views.