I am trying to create a bash script for setting up Jenkins. Is there any way to update a plugin list from the Jenkins terminal?
At first setup there is no plugin availab
FYI -- some plugins (mercurial in particular) don't install correctly from the command line unless you use their short name. I think this has to do with triggers in the jenkins package info data. You can simulate jenkins' own package update by visiting
in a javascript-capable browser.
Or if you're feeling masochistic you can run this python code:
import urllib2,requests
UPDATES_URL = 'https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/update-center.json?id=default&version=1.509.4'
def update_plugins():
"look at the source for /pluginManager/checkUpdates and downloadManager in /static//scripts/hudson-behavior.js"
raw = urllib2.urlopen(self.UPDATES_URL).read()
jsontext = raw.split('\n')[1] # ugh, JSONP
json.loads(jsontext) # i.e. error if not parseable
print 'received updates json'
# post
postback = PREFIX+'/updateCenter/byId/default/postBack'
reply = requests.post(postback,data=jsontext)
if not reply.ok:
raise RuntimeError(("updates upload not ok",reply.text))
print 'applied updates json'
And once you've run this, you should be able to run jenkins-cli -s install-plugin mercurial -deploy