Here's the best I've been able to do so far.
There are some crucial IntelliJ plugins to install:
- .gitignore support
- AngularJS
- Base64 for IDEA and Storm
- BashSupport
- Bootstrap
- CSS Support
- Database Support
- ddescriber for jasmine
- Git Integration
- GitHub
- Heroku integration
- HTML Tools
- Jade
- JavaScript Debugger
- JavaScript Intention Power Pack
- JavaScript Support
- JS Toolbox
- JUnit
- Karma
- LESS CSS Compiler
- LESS support
- Markdown
- Mongo Plugin
- NodeJS
- Require.js plugin
- REST Client
- Spy-js
- SvgViewer 2
- Terminal
- W3C Validators
As a peace offering to the mighty IntelliJ, use Java as project SDK:
I prefer to configure four separate modules, to help separate back-end vs. front-end JavaScript dependencies:
Add the bower_components library to the client module, and the node_modules library to the server module:
And be sure to enable JavaScript libraries in the editor.
Per best practices, we do not commit the local IntelliJ IDEA configuration folder (/.idea/
) to the repository, instead adding it to the .gitignore
file like so:
# IntelliJ IDEA local workspace
Happy coding!