So with the new xcode update apple has revamped the way we do UI testing. In instruments we used java script function \"isVisible\" to determine if our targeted element is visib
Here is my version which I think is bullet proof (swift 4.0):
import XCTest
enum TestSwipeDirections {
case up
case down
case left
case right
fileprivate let min = 0.05
fileprivate let mid = 0.5
fileprivate let max = 0.95
fileprivate let leftPoint = CGVector(dx: min, dy: mid)
fileprivate let rightPoint = CGVector(dx: max, dy: mid)
fileprivate let topPoint = CGVector(dx: mid, dy: min)
fileprivate let bottomPoint = CGVector(dx: mid, dy: max)
extension TestSwipeDirections {
var vector: (begin: CGVector, end: CGVector) {
switch self {
case .up:
return (begin: bottomPoint,
end: topPoint)
case .down:
return (begin: topPoint,
end: bottomPoint)
case .left:
return (begin: rightPoint,
end: leftPoint)
case .right:
return (begin: leftPoint,
end: rightPoint)
extension XCUIElement {
@discardableResult func swipeOnIt(_ direction: TestSwipeDirections,
swipeLimit: Int = 6,
swipeDuration: TimeInterval = 1.0,
until: () -> Bool) -> Bool {
let begining = coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: direction.vector.begin)
let ending = coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: direction.vector.end)
var swipesRemaining = swipeLimit
while !until() && swipesRemaining > 0 { swipeDuration, thenDragTo: ending)
swipesRemaining = swipesRemaining - 1
return !until()
@discardableResult func swipeOnIt(_ direction: TestSwipeDirections,
swipeLimit: Int = 6,
swipeDuration: TimeInterval = 1.0,
untilHittable element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
return swipeOnIt(direction, swipeLimit: swipeLimit, swipeDuration: swipeDuration) { element.isHittable }
@discardableResult func swipeOnIt(_ direction: TestSwipeDirections,
swipeLimit: Int = 6,
swipeDuration: TimeInterval = 1.0,
untilExists element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
return swipeOnIt(direction, swipeLimit: swipeLimit, swipeDuration: swipeDuration) { element.exists }
It take into account that item may not be found (in this case it should not hang). Also scroll is performed in steps of size of the item so search element will not pass through visible area what is possible in case of swipe.