I would like to extract the information that is printed after a git status
, which looks like:
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of \'origin/
The top chunk of code in araqnid's answer doesn't work for me, so maybe something in git has changed since it was written 18 months ago. It works if I change:
However there is still an issue when tracking a local branch, in which case you have to trim the remote part (which becomes '.'):
Then you can programmatically obtain the number of revisions behind and ahead as follows:
set -- `git rev-list --left-right --count $tracking_branch...HEAD`
I've written scripts to do all that (and more - e.g. they can also attempt to spot remotes on the other side of a git-svn bridge), and published them in my git-config repository on github. For example, here's my git-compare-upstream. See the README for installation instructions and other handy related scripts.