I\'m primarily a C++ coder, and thus far, have managed without really writing tests for all of my code. I\'ve decided this is a Bad Idea(tm), after adding new features that subt
You are talking about library or application testing, which is not the same as unit testing. You can use unit testing libraries such as CppUnit/NUnit/JUnit for library and regression testing purposes, but as others have said, unit testing is about testing your lowest level functions, which are supposed to be very well defined and easily separated from the rest of the code. Sure, you could pass all low-level unit tests, and still have a network failure in the full system.
Library testing can be very difficult, because sometimes only a human can evaluate the output for correctness. Consider a vector graphics or font rendering library; there's no single perfect output, and you may get a completely different result based on the video card in your machine.
Or testing a PDF parser or a C++ compiler is dauntingly difficult, due to the enormous number of possible inputs. This is when owning 10 years of customer samples and defect history is way more valuable than the source code itself. Almost anyone can sit down and code it, but initially you won't have a way of validating your program for correctness.