Is it possible, using mysql dump to export the entire database structure, but exclude certain tables data from export.
Say the database has 200 tables, I wish to export
Another possibility that I use is to avoid the lines inserting data into the wanted table.
The principle is to filter out the INSERT INTO lines using grep -v
mysqldump name_of_db | grep -v 'INSERT INTO \`name_of_table\` VALUES'
mysqldump name_of_db | grep -v 'INSERT INTO \`name_of_db\`.\`name_of_table\` VALUES'
That you can easily get into a gziped file and a separated error file
mysqldump name_of_db | grep -v 'INSERT INTO \`name_of_db\`.\`name_of_table\`' | gzip > /path/dumpfile.sql.gz 2> /path/name_of_db.err
and therefore get a nice backup of what you want and know what failed if any :-)