When I type the command in adb:
./adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d \"example:gizmos\" com.myapp
I get this error:
Just in case someone else has the problem that I had, namely that adb shell am start ...
does not work, if you have a file:///...
or content://...
URI in your intent filter that has a mime type specified, for example
You need to specify the mime type on the command line by using the -t parameter:
adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "file:///sdcard/myfolder/myfile.txt" -t "text/plain" com.myapp
or else you get the same error message as the OP.
Based on the experience I just had I recommend using this list of available adb commands. It seems to be more recent than the help texts from the shell of my test device running Android 8.