I use a color theme with a very dark background, which works great except that VS2010 uses the default insertion point mouse cursor when the mouse is over the editor pane, and t
My temporary solution is that I'm using a custom "text select" cursor on the system as a whole, which I did by finding one that wasn't too outrageous, and then:
Windows 7 and earlier:
Open Control Panel
Open the Mouse applet
Choose the Pointers tab
Select "Text Select" in the list
Click the Browse button and choose the cursor file
Windows 8:
Click the Start button
Type "mouse click" and wait
Choose "Change mouse click settings" -- this gets you the old Mouse Properties dialog box
Choose the Pointers tab
Select "Text Select" in the list
Click the Browse button and choose the cursor file
Of course, this changes the cursor globally, not just in VS2010, and so I have to use one that works against both light and dark backgrounds (in my case, for now, the one from the DeepSky set on deviantart — only the text select one, not the full set).