Can someone please explain traits in Scala? What are the advantages of traits over extending an abstract class?
package ground.learning.scala.traits
* Created by Mohan on 31/08/2014.
* Stacks are layered one top of another, when moving from Left -> Right,
* Right most will be at the top layer, and receives method call.
object TraitMain {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val strangers: List[NoEmotion] = List(
new Stranger("Ray") with NoEmotion,
new Stranger("Ray") with Bad,
new Stranger("Ray") with Good,
new Stranger("Ray") with Good with Bad,
new Stranger("Ray") with Bad with Good)
println( + "\n"))
trait NoEmotion {
def value: String
def hi = "I am " + value
trait Good extends NoEmotion {
override def hi = "I am " + value + ", It is a beautiful day!"
trait Bad extends NoEmotion {
override def hi = "I am " + value + ", It is a bad day!"
case class Stranger(value: String) {
Output : List(I am Ray , I am Ray, It is a bad day! , I am Ray, It is a beautiful day! , I am Ray, It is a bad day! , I am Ray, It is a beautiful day! )