I know that I\'ve seen some example somewhere before but for the life of me I cannot find it when googling around.
I have some rows of data:
data = [[1,2
Ok, so this was a bit harder than I though:
def print_matrix(list_of_list):
number_width = len(str(max([max(i) for i in list_of_list])))
cols = max(map(len, list_of_list))
output = '+'+('-'*(number_width+2)+'+')*cols + '\n'
for row in list_of_list:
for column in row:
output += '|' + ' {:^{width}d} '.format(column, width = number_width)
output+='|\n+'+('-'*(number_width+2)+'+')*cols + '\n'
return output
This should work for variable number of rows, columns and number of digits (for numbers)
data = [[1,2,30],
print print_matrix(data)
| 1 | 2 | 30 |
| 4 | 23125 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 999 |