I\'ve been tinkering with Node.js and found a little problem. I\'ve got a script which resides in a directory called data
. I want the script to write some data to
My advise is: try not to rely on dependencies when you can easily do it with few lines of codes
Here's what you're trying to achieve in 14 lines of code:
fs.isDir = function(dpath) {
try {
return fs.lstatSync(dpath).isDirectory();
} catch(e) {
return false;
fs.mkdirp = function(dirname) {
dirname = path.normalize(dirname).split(path.sep);
var pathInQuestion = dirname.slice(0,index+1).join(path.sep);
if((!fs.isDir(pathInQuestion)) && pathInQuestion) fs.mkdirSync(pathInQuestion);