I\'m trying to find a way to replace the dots of a UIPageControl with a caption that reads \"Page X of Y\" since I\'ll likely have >50 items. I\'m just becoming familiar with Co
Also, I should add for anyone considering subclassing UIPageControl (as I came here (unfortunately) after doing), the class for some boneheaded reason doesn't do its drawing in drawRect:, or any other public method for that matter. I suspect that at some point during page updates it sets up a drawing context and fills it with its dots, but I am here to warn you:
This makes the class essentially un-subclassable. Sure, you could, but why?
And more importantly, why would apple make a class with such ridiculously abnormal behavior?! drawRect: is there for a reason! This reminds me of working with NSMatrix back in the pre- imagebrowser days...