I have a tool which I have written in python and generally should be run as a daemon. What are the best practices for packaging this tool for distribution, particularly how sho
The best tool I found for helping with init.d scripts is "start-stop-daemon". It will run any application, monitor run/pid files, create them when necessary, provide ways to stop the daemon, set process user/group ids, and can even background your process.
For example, this is a script which can start/stop a wsgi server:
#! /bin/bash
case "$1" in
echo "Starting server"
# Activate the virtual environment
. /home/ali/wer-gcms/g-env/bin/activate
# Run start-stop-daemon, the $DAEMON variable contains the path to the
# application to run
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $WSGI_PIDFILE \
--user www-data --group www-data \
--chuid www-data \
--exec "$DAEMON"
echo "Stopping WSGI Application"
# Start-stop daemon can also stop the application by sending sig 15
# (configurable) to the process id contained in the run/pid file
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $WSGI_PIDFILE --verbose
# Refuse to do other stuff
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/wsgi-application.sh {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
You can also see there an example of how to use it with a virtualenv, which I would always recommend.