Does anyone know a simple algorithm to check if a Sudoku-Configuration is valid? The simplest algorithm I came up with is (for a board of size n) in Pseudocode
array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
sudoku = int [][]
puzzle = 9 #9x9
columns = map []
units = map [] # box
unit_l = 3 # box width/height
def strike_numbers(line, line_num, columns, units, unit_l):
count = 0
for n in line:
# check which unit we're in
unit = ceil(n / unit_l) + ceil(line_num / unit_l) # this line is wrong - rushed
if units[unit].contains(n): #is n in unit already?
return columns, units, 1
if columns[count].contains(n): #is n in column already?
return columns, units, 1
line.remove(n) #remove num from temp row
return columns, units, line.length # was a number not eliminated?
def check_puzzle(columns, sudoku, puzzle, array, units):
for (i=0;i< puzzle;i++):
columns, units, left_over = strike_numbers(sudoku[i], i, columns, units) # iterate through rows
if (left_over > 0): return false
Without thoroughly checking, off the top of my head, this should work (with a bit of debugging) while only looping twice. O(n^2) instead of O(3(n^2))