Does anyone know a simple algorithm to check if a Sudoku-Configuration is valid? The simplest algorithm I came up with is (for a board of size n) in Pseudocode
Let's assume that your board goes from 1 - n.
We'll create a verification array, fill it and then verify it.
grid [0-(n-1)][0-(n-1)]; //this is the input grid
//each verification takes n^2 bits, so three verifications gives us 3n^2
boolean VArray (3*n*n) //make sure this is initialized to false
for i = 0 to n
for j = 0 to n
each coordinate consists of three parts
row/col/box start pos, index offset, val offset
//to validate rows
VArray( (0) + (j*n) + (grid[i][j]-1) ) = 1
//to validate cols
VArray( (n*n) + (i*n) + (grid[i][j]-1) ) = 1
//to validate boxes
VArray( (2*n*n) + (3*(floor (i/3)*n)+ floor(j/3)*n) + (grid[i][j]-1) ) = 1
if every array value is true then the solution is correct.
I think that will do the trick, although i'm sure i made a couple of stupid mistakes in there. I might even have missed the boat entirely.