I\'m investigating a couple of iOS/Android mobile apps for clients at the moment, that involve Augmented Reality:
Another option (shameless plug) is my company's platform, Viro AR: https://viromedia.com/viroar/
It's a React-Native library that pairs ARKit for iOS (ARCore for Android coming soon) with our own proprietary native renderer and wraps it in an easy-to-use React-Native API so that you can start building your AR experiences immediately!
We've even dog-fooded our own product by building an AR app, Figment AR, available right now on the Apple App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1270018902
We built it using React Native for the 2D UI (buttons, list view, preview screen) and Viro for the camera display, 3D rendering and world tracking.
Check us out!