I know that WebRTC
was designed for browsers, but is it possible to use WebRTC libraries on mobile applications directly?
As of May 14 here is an android project using WebRTC
that works nicely.
I translated that entire android project to Objective-C
for iOS and got WebRTC working in iOS too but I'm having trouble on iPhone 4 and 4s. Just works in iPhone 5 and 5s.
I think the problem is the performance. When I make a videocall with the webrtc libraries it takes about 140% of the CPU on an iPhone 5, which I guess that's a lot of resources and the iPhone 4s can't handle it.
After struggling with the video connection (always disconnected after 10 seconds) I finally got WebRTC working on iPhone 4s, all you have to do is set the right constraints when creating the local videoSource capturing object:
NSString *_width = @"320";
NSString *_height = @"180";
NSString *_maxFrameRate = @"10";
RTCMediaConstraints *videoConstraints = [[RTCMediaConstraints alloc]
initWithMandatoryConstraints:@[[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"maxHeight" value:_height],
[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"maxWidth" value:_width],
[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"maxFrameRate" value:_maxFrameRate]] optionalConstraints:@[[[RTCPair alloc]
initWithKey:@"googCpuOveruseDetection" value:@"true"],
[[RTCPair alloc] initWithKey:@"googCpuLimitedResolution" value:@"true"]]];
RTCVideoSource *videoSource = [factory videoSourceWithCapturer:capturer constraints:videoConstraints];
RTCMediaStream *lms = [factory mediaStreamWithLabel:@"ARDAMS"];
[lms addVideoTrack:[factory videoTrackWithID:@"ARDAMSv0" source:videoSource]];
Note that this sends a very small video, but it works!