How can I use dynamic namespaces in
I\'m looking in the (poor) documentation, and it says that namespaces must be used like this:
Socket.IO supports 'rooms' (, you can use it instead of namespaces. Also when you need dynamic in routes (and you using express in your app) - best way is to use use route-engine from express box.
However, if you still think that you need dynamic in namespaces in, here is small example how it can be implemented:
var connect = function (ns) {
return io.connect(ns, {
query: 'ns='+ns,
resource: ""
var socket = connect('/user/12');
var url = require('url');
, ev = new events.EventEmitter()
// :
var routes = {
// /user/:id
'user': '^\\/user\\/(\\d+)$',
// /:something/:id
'default': '^\\/(\\\w+)\\/(\\d+)$'
// global entry point for new connections
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
// extract namespace from connected url query param 'ns'
var ns = url.parse(socket.handshake.url, true).query.ns;
console.log('connected ns: '+ns)
for (var k in routes) {
var routeName = k;
var routeRegexp = new RegExp(routes[k]);
// if connected ns matched with route regexp
if (ns.match(routeRegexp)) {
console.log('matched: '+routeName)
// create new namespace (or use previously created)
io.of(ns).on('connection', function (socket) {
// fire event when socket connecting
ev.emit('socket.connection route.'+routeName, socket);
// @todo: add more if needed
// on('message') -> ev.emit(...)
// when nothing matched
// ...
// event when socket connected in 'user' namespace
ev.on('socket.connection route.user', function () {
console.log('route[user] connecting..');
// event when socket connected in 'default' namespace
ev.on('socket.connection route.default', function () {
console.log('route[default] connecting..');
I hope this will help you!