I\'m attempting to implement an API with resources that are protected by either Oauth2 OR Http-Basic authentication.
When I load the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter which a
And why not doing this the other way round? Just bypass resource server if there is no token attached, then fallback to normal security filter chain. This is by the way what resource server filter is stopping on.
class ResourceServerConfig : ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(resources: ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer) {
* Resources exposed via oauth. As we are providing also local user interface they are also accessible from within.
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
private class BearerAuthorizationHeaderMatcher : RequestMatcher {
override fun matches(request: HttpServletRequest): Boolean {
val auth = request.getHeader("Authorization")
return auth != null && auth.startsWith("Bearer")