I try to apply various color schemes in vim that I have seen on the net. Whatever scheme I choose, the background remains white, even though screenshots of the applied scheme sh
Does the overall settings for the terminal window have something to do with it?
Yes, terminal parameters override vim parameters (at least in OSX and iTerm). For example, I have a following script in /Users/[username]/.bashrc
setBackground() {
osascript -e "tell application \"iTerm\"
set current_terminal to (current terminal)
tell current_terminal
set current_session to (current session)
tell current_session
set background color to $1
end tell
end tell
end tell"
vim() {
(setBackground "{65025,65025,65025}" &)
(exec vim $*)
The above remaps terminal vim command to execute a background color change before executing vim. Background color function is applescript (I copied the script from somewhere...). It works for iTerm. I belive that you can adapt this to work with terminal (apple product + apple script -> should work).