I try to apply various color schemes in vim that I have seen on the net. Whatever scheme I choose, the background remains white, even though screenshots of the applied scheme sh
I'm adding a second answer from me because it's very different from my first answer and may point to actual problem.
If you look at the actual website for the colorscheme here: Molokai website
you will see a question very similar to yours. Here's answer given, which suggests trying command :set t_Co=256
in your vimrc to see if it fixes things:
"- Make sure you’re using a console terminal capable of 256 colors; not all of them do (particularly on mac). You might need to explicitly force Vim to use that by doing “set t_Co=256″ on your .vimrc file. - The windows console is well… totally unsupported, that only does 16 colors so it’s a mess"