My project was created in Xcode 3, I\'m opening it in Xcode 4 and notice the following:
Added this as a comment in a few places as well, so maybe Google juice will help get programmers up and running again... but anyway, I found if you just use the touch
command on the YourAppName-Prefix.pch
file it will get syntax highlighting/coloring and code completion/jumping back on without having to delete all your derived data or restart Xcode. I made this an alias in my .bashrc file.
alias pch_touch='touch /path/to/your/apps/Prefix.pch'
. ~/.bashrc
Within about 1-2 sec of touching the pch file, syntax coloring comes back on, which is a sign code completion/jumping will be now working too. Kind of sad such an otherwise awesome powerful tool is humbled by some metadata / statefulness bugs, but there ya go. At least it gets you back up and running and stops wasting your time.