I was trying to do a simple thing which was train a linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) using torch:
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.
Not sure what you were trying to do. W.r.t. batching you wouldn't have to convert to numpy. You could just use index_select() , e.g.:
for epoch in range(500):
loss = 0
while k < X_mdl.size(0):
random_batch = [0]*5
for i in range(k,k+M):
random_batch[i] = np.random.choice(N-1)
random_batch = torch.LongTensor(random_batch)
batch_xs = X_mdl.index_select(0, random_batch)
batch_ys = y.index_select(0, random_batch)
# Forward pass: compute predicted y using operations on Variables
y_pred = batch_xs.mul(W)
# etc..
The rest of the code would have to be changed as well though.
My guess, you would like to create a get_batch function that concatenates your X tensors and Y tensors. Something like:
def make_batch(list_of_tensors):
X, y = list_of_tensors[0]
# may need to unsqueeze X and y to get right dimensions
for i, (sample, label) in enumerate(list_of_tensors[1:]):
X = torch.cat((X, sample), dim=0)
y = torch.cat((y, label), dim=0)
return X, y
Then during training you select, e.g. max_batch_size = 32, examples through slicing.
for epoch:
X, y = make_batch(list_of_tensors)
X = Variable(X, requires_grad=False)
y = Variable(y, requires_grad=False)
k = 0
while k < X.size(0):
inputs = X[k:k+max_batch_size,:]
labels = y[k:k+max_batch_size,:]
# some computation
k+= max_batch_size