I\'m making a shopping cart system with Laravel and Vue. When I add an item to the basket, I display a confirmation message by toggling a Vue variable being watched by a v-if:>
after encountering the same issue, I ended up on this thread. For future generation's sake: The current up-most voted answer, attempts to bind "this" to a variable in order to avoid changing the context when invoking the function which is defined in the setTimeout.
An alternate and more recommended approach(using Vue.JS 2.2 & ES6) is to use an arrow function in order to bind the context to the parent (Basically "addToBasket"'s "this" and the "setTimeout"'s "this" would still refer to the same object):
addToBasket: function(){
item = this.photo;
this.$http.post('/api/buy/addToBasket', item);
this.basketAddSuccess = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.basketAddSuccess = false;
}, 2000);