What is the best way to write a state machine in C?
I usually write a big switch-case statement in a for(;;), with callbacks to re-enter the state machine when an external
I use function pointers and a 2d look-up table where I use the state for one parameter and the event as the other.
I use excel (or any spreadsheet tool) to map a function to every state/event combination.
When an event occurs, I que it up, so then I have something that looks like this
int main(void)
StateList currentState = start_up;
EventList currentEvent;
uint8_t stateArray[STATE_COUNT][EVENT_COUNT];
currentEvent = GetPriorityEvent();
currentState = (StateList)(*(stateArray[currentState][currentEvent]))();
return 1; //should never get here
This method essentially forces the developer to consider all possible events in each state, and in my experience makes debugging a little easier.