What\'s the best way for constructing headers, and footers? Should you call it all from the controller, or include from the view file? I\'m using CodeIgniter, and I\'m wanting
You could also try it this way -- define a default view template, which then pulls in the content based on a variable ('content' in my example) passed by the controller.
In your controller:
$data['content'] = 'your_controller/index';
// more code...
Then define a default layout for all pages e.g. views/layouts/default.php
// doctype, header html etc.
= $this->load->view($content) ?>
// footer html etc.
Then your views can just contain the pure content e.g. views/your_controller/index.php might contain just the variables passed from the controller / data array
= $archives_table ?>
= $pagination ?>
// etc.
More details on the CI wiki/FAQ -- (Q. How do I embed views within views? Nested templates?...)