In many new android applications and their latest update those applications(mostly material design) have a custom scrollbar with letters and numbers, while scrolling the scrollb
I use this new one now -
Below is my previous one.
I have used fastscroller by FutureMind in Android Studio
1) Compile required dependency by adding
compile 'com.futuremind.recyclerfastscroll:fastscroll:0.2.4'
2) Edit Layout File to add FastScroller
3) In Activity/Fragment associate fastScroller with your recycler view
recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
fastScroller = (FastScroller) findViewById(;
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
//has to be called AFTER RecyclerView.setAdapter()
4) In your RecyclerView.Adapter implement SectionTitleProvider to display the content on Bubble
public class MyAdapter ... implements SectionTitleProvider{
public String getSectionTitle(int position) {
//this String will be shown in a bubble for specified position
return getItem(position).substring(0, 1);