I Install SQL server in my system and I have to check on which port number SQL is working in my system
PowerShell solution that shows all of the instances on the host as well as their incoming traffic addresses. The second bit might be helpful if all you know is the DNS:
ForEach ($SQL_Proc in Get-Process | Select-Object -Property ProcessName, Id | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -like "*SQL*"})
Get-NetTCPConnection | `
Where-Object {$_.OwningProcess -eq $SQL_Proc.id} | `
Select-Object -Property `
@{Label ="Process_Name";e={$SQL_Proc.ProcessName}}, `
@{Label ="Local_Address";e={$_.LocalAddress + ":" + $_.LocalPort }}, `
@{Label ="Remote_Address";e={$_.RemoteAddress + ":" + $_.RemotePort}}, State | `