I\'m using ThreeJS to develop a web application that displays a list of entities, each with corresponding \"View\" and \"Hide\" button; e.g. entityName View Hide
I had The same problem like you have. I try this code and it works just fine: When you create your object put this object.is_ob = true
function loadOBJFile(objFile){
/* material of OBJ model */
var OBJMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: 0x8888ff});
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader();
loader.load(objFile, function (object){
object.traverse (function (child){
if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
child.material = OBJMaterial;
object.position.y = 0.1;
// add this code
object.is_ob = true;
function addEntity(object) {
And then then you delete your object try this code:
function removeEntity(object){
var obj, i;
for ( i = scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
obj = scene.children[ i ];
if ( obj.is_ob) {
Try that and tell me if that works, it seems that three js doesn't recognize the object after added to the scene. But with this trick it works.