If I copy something from textedit or web and paste it to localizable file it shows this compilation error. If I type those in localizable file it does not show any error. I am a
I ran into this issue, all my formatting was correct. Checking for illegal characters using plutil -lint Localizable.strings
and using ruby libraries like "utf8_utils"
also didn't work at finding the illegal characters. BUT when I pasted the Localizable.strings contents into the Terminal app while running irb
, it did show me the weird characters.
"PercentComplete" = "%d procent gennemført";
Pasted into irb:
"PercentComplete"\U+FFC2\U+FFA0= "%d procent gennemf\U+FFC3\U+FFB8rt";
Then all I had to do was a regex replace to fix those weird white space characters: \U+FFC2\U+FFA0