I\'m new to rails and decided this morning to dump my whole database design/model and start over. And being a noob, I\'m sure did it incorrectly.
I removed all the files
Found this over at http://www.dixis.com/?p=754
For one of my projects I am using rails 4.1 (bleeding edge! yeah :) ) and suddenly noticed, that after opening my laptop in the morning my normal rails commands, like
$> rails c
$> rails g migration Bla name description some_more_fields
just … were hanging and nothing happened??? Like they were waiting for further input. Upon closer investigation, I assumed that the connection to the spring process was lost/corrupt (I move between networks a lot? maybe that could explain it).
For those unaware, as I was, spring is a Rails application preloader. It speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background so you don’t need to boot it every time you run a test, rake task or migration. Of course when that connection is lost, or corrupt, it hangs.
A simple
$> spring stop
stops the spring server, after which any rails command will restart it automatically. Fixed :)