How can i measure the time taken by a method and the individual statements in that method in Ruby. If you see the below method i want to measure the total time taken by the meth
Many of the answers suggest the use of
. But it is worth being aware that
can change. System clocks can drift and might get corrected by the system's administrator or via NTP. It is therefore possible for to jump forward or back and give your benchmarking inaccurate results.
A better solution is to use the operating system's monotonic clock, which is always moving forward. Ruby 2.1 and above give access to this via:
start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
# code to time
finish = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
diff = finish - start # gets time is seconds as a float
You can read more details here. Also you can see popular Ruby project, Sidekiq, made the switch to monotonic clock.