I\'m wondering if anyone has complete, working, and efficient code to do bicubic texture filtering in glsl. There is this:
I've been using @Maf 's cubic spline recipe for over a year, and I recommend it, if a cubic B-spline meets your needs.
But I recently realized that, for my particular application, it is important for the intensities to match exactly at the sample points. So I switched to using a Catmull-Rom spline, which uses a slightly different recipe like so:
// Catmull-Rom spline actually passes through control points
vec4 cubic(float x) // cubic_catmullrom(float x)
const float s = 0.5; // potentially adjustable parameter
float x2 = x * x;
float x3 = x2 * x;
vec4 w;
w.x = -s*x3 + 2*s*x2 - s*x + 0;
w.y = (2-s)*x3 + (s-3)*x2 + 1;
w.z = (s-2)*x3 + (3-2*s)*x2 + s*x + 0;
w.w = s*x3 - s*x2 + 0;
return w;
I found these coefficients, plus those for a number of other flavors of cubic splines, in the lecture notes at: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15462-s10/www/lec-slides/lec06.pdf