I\'ve now got everything to work properly on my Mac OS X 10.6 machine so that I can create decent looking LaTeX documents with Sweave that include snippets of R code, output, an
I use these (saved as sweave.engine and sweavebibtex.engine) for custom engines in texshop. I usually work up a code chunk in R, then copy the block into the rnw file I have open in texshop. I'd love a solution that lets me do syntax highlighting and spelling correction of R and tex in the same document (that isnt emacs).
echo 'SWEAVE | PDFLATEX. Custom engine--Akasurak-16Nov2009'
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin
R CMD Sweave "$1"
pdflatex "${1%.*}"
and the second, for doing bibtex as well:
before="$(date +%s)"
echo 'SWEAVE | PDFLATEX | BIBTEX | PDFLATEX | PDFLATEX. Custom engine--Akasurak-16Nov2009'
#Updated 20Jul2010 for auto including Sweave.sty
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin
R CMD Sweave "$1"
R CMD pdflatex "${1%.*}"
bibtex "${1%.*}.aux"
R CMD pdflatex "${1%.*}"
R CMD pdflatex "${1%.*}"
after="$(date +%s)"
elapsed_seconds="$(expr $after - $before)"
echo Elapsed time '(m:s)': $(date -r $elapsed_seconds +%M:%S)
Can't say they are the best way of doing things, but they do work.