I am making icons for some Win Phone 7 apps and want to use some solid colors the way all the other apps do.
Where can I find a reference for these colors?
The official colors were not available at the time of the OP's question and accepted answer; here's the updated and official Theme Overview for Windows Phone:
Accent Color RGB Hex
blue 27,161,226 #FF1BA1E2
brown 160,80,0 #FFA05000
green 51,153,51 #FF339933
lime 162,193,57 #FFA2C139
magenta 216,0,115 #FFD80073
mango (orange) 240,150,9 #FFF09609
pink 230,113,184 #FFE671B8
purple 162,0,255 #FFA200FF
red 229,20,0 #FFE51400
teal (viridian) 0,171,169 #FF00ABA9
And a sample image for good measure (taken from the theme overview on MSDN):