I read a while back that Quantum Computers can break most types of hashing and encryption in use today in a very short amount of time(I believe it was mere minutes). How is it p
quantum computers etc all lies. I dont believe these science fiction magazines. in fact rsa system is based on two prime numbers and their multipilation. p1,p2 is huge primes p1xp2=N modulus. rsa system is like that choose a prime number..maybe small its E public key (p1-1)*(p2-1)=R find a D number that makes E*D=1 mod(R) we are sharing (E,N) data as public key publicly we are securely saving (D,N) as private.
To solve this Rsa system cracker need to find prime factors of N. *mass of the Universe is closer to 10^53 kg* electron mass is 9.10938291 × 10^-31 kilograms if we divide universe to electrons we can create 10^84 electrons. electrons has slower speeds than light. its move frequency can be 10^26 if anybody produces electron size parallel rsa prime factor finders from all universe mass. all universe can handle (10^84)*(10^26)= 10^110 numbers/per second.
rsa has limitles bits of alternative prime numbers. maybe 4096 bits 4096 bit rsa has 10^600 possible prime numbers to brute force. so your universe mass quantum solver need to make tests during 10^500 years.
rsa vs universe mass quantum computer 1 - 0
maybe quantum computer can break 64/128 bits passwords. because 128 bit password has 10^39 possible brute force nodes.